Traffic enforcement: focused enforcement of behaviors

Traffic enforcement for more complex traffic situations

Since 2014, Brickyard has provided camera enforcement in city centers throughout the Netherlands, mainly aimed at enforcing traffic rules in areas such as environmental zones, car-free areas and against cut-through traffic. To achieve behavioral change, and thus increase safety and quality of life in cities, a high likelihood of being caught is necessary.Camera enforcement makes this possible.

Camera enforcement, aimed at opening up areas focuses, on a single fact and the assessment of the violation is always based on a snapshot. This results in a black and white assessment; a license plate may or may not be in a certain area. If a violation has been committed, a sanction or warning will follow. This form of enforcement is not suitable for more complex traffic situations, where it may be desirable to assess a behavior as a whole. The context plays a crucial role in such a situation. That is why Brickyard has developed Traffic Enforcement.

The Solution

Traffic Enforcement focuses at the total behavior of a road user. A behavior is a series of actions that can lead to a violation. When assessing a situation as a whole, any corrective actions can be taken into account. Take, for example, ignoring a red cross above the highway: at least two consecutive crosses must have been ignored to be considered one behavior. A driver who has ignored the first red cross above the highway, but then corrects himself, may receive leniency in the assessment, because the behavior is viewed as a whole. This is particularly relevant for situations where more information is needed than just a snapshot.
The desire to be able to enforce accurately, efficiently and decisively in complex traffic situations requires a specific and solid solution. The aim is to deploy Traffic Enforcement in places where a specific solution is essential to create a safer traffic situation. Judging a behavior has many more components than judging a fact, as context plays a crucial role. Assessing a behavior as a whole requires an analysis of multiple decision moments. This uses two elements:

  • A sensor: to register behavior.
  • A back office: in which a BOA (a Special Enforcement Officer) can efficiently assess behavior.


The sensor

The sensor with which the behavior is recorded consists of two parts, namely an AI component and an ANPR component. AI analyzes whether the displayed behavior meets the criteria of a negative behavior. If the AI component has detected a negative behavior, the ANPR component identifies the license plate of the vehicle involved in this behavior. Photos and videos are taken on which the license plate is clearly visible. This is sent to the back office where the images are enriched with relevant information (such as location, date and time) and specific application intelligence.

The backoffice

Because all information can be seen on the screen at a glance, a BOA can make an unambiguous assessment of the submitted behavior. The BOA can choose from three options when assessing: warning, sanctioning or ignoring. If a warning or sanction is chosen, the file is archived and prepared for export to the processing agency (for example the CJIB). All files that have been exported can also be found in the photo request system, where anyone who has received a sanction can request the file of the behavior.

afbeelding (1)


Brickyard can generate reports based on all data captured by this new solution. The reports contain information on the frequency and type of vehicles committing violations. In addition, thanks to the use of AI, reports can be made on road users without license plates, such as cyclists and pedestrians. The use of these reports can strengthen enforcement policy and make it more efficient. Traffic enforcement contributes to optimizing strategies for physical enforcement. In this way, Brickyard strives to contribute to improving road safety throughout the Netherlands.

Contacteer ons


Benno Freriks

Account Manager

Benno is Account Manager voor alle handhaafoplossingen die Brickyard aanbiedt. Je kunt bij Benno terecht voor een doordacht antwoord over:




Desktop Enforcement


Stanley de Rotte

Account Manager

Stanley is Account Manager voor alle handhaafoplossingen die Brickyard aanbiedt. Je kunt bij Stanley terecht voor een doordacht antwoord over:




Desktop Enforcement

Frequently asked questions about traffic enforcement

Yes, when one behavior (with one camera) is enforced, we call this camera enforcement. For more information, click here.

In collaboration with ProRail, we have started the rollout of traffic enforcement at railway crossings. Read more about this on our news page.

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We are proud to announce that Brickyard has secured the contract from ProRail for the enforcement of 44 railway crossings, utilizing AI ANPR cameras, targeting road users who ignore the red flashing lights. Brickyard, together with its partner ARVOO Imaging Products BV, provides the complete enforcement solution. It encompasses the full software enforcement solution, incorporating…
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